the basis of the aesthetical-formal contrapposition of the two different
shapes - military building of the XIII century versus velodrome of the
second half of the XX century - Metzels sculpture fosters different
associations. The central aspect of this work is the communication between
the work of art and the visitor/fruitor. Metzel is immediately creating
the basis for dialogue because the velodrome is usable: you
can ride a bike or skateboard on it or simply sit on its stands to chat.
Velodromes and soccer fields always come with advertizing billboards and
therefore also the elegant Metzels velodrome is decorated with logos.
These are peculiar logos, thou: they in fact represent the sponsors and
supporters of the Arte all Arte exhibition. The mixed financing
of non-commercial exhibitions is normally revealed to the public in a
very discrete way: names and logos of the supporters are in fact printed
somewhere on a neglectable corner of the catalogue. On the Metzels
sculpure, on the contrary, public and private sponsors - the very essence
of mixed financing, representing both the Samsonian effort of exhibitions
curators and the Damocle sword of the invited artists - are presented
in a provocative way, non-renounceable part of the very work of art as
much as adveritizing is nowadays part of our very lives.
Confronting directly, both from an aesthetical and a topographic point
of view, medioeval military architecture and contemporary sport architecture,
Metzel hints to an important historical aspect, drawing the attention
to the link between sport and war.