We are Free!

The installation should be erected on the wall inside the cafe located on the Piazza Canonica. The installation will be arranged to the left of the room entrance, near a window.
From a far the viewer can see the inscription on the wall "We are Free! (Noi siamo libere!)" written in a black outline. But approaching closer, he suddenly discovers that this inscription is formed from a multitude of flies sitting on the wall (the flies, of course, are artificial, made of plastic). And immediately a tragic-comic metaphor arises in the consciousness of the viewer: flies, as everyone knows, usually fly in various directions in complete freedom and chaos, but here they are arranged in a distinct, compulsory order only so as to proclaim loudly and clear that "they are free!" This metaphor does not require commentary.

© Arte Continua 1996-2002. Per le opere il © copyright è degli artisti
Casole d'Elsa
Colle di Val d'Elsa
San Gimignano