Torrione di Sant’Agostino, Piazza Sant’Agostino, San Gimignano

Anish Kapoor (b. Bombay, 1954) trained in London, where he lives and works today. One of the leading exponents of English sculpture in the 1980s, Kapoor’s works investigate matter and the ambiguous borders between the finite and infinite, solidity and transparency, the geometric and the organic, fullness and emptiness (light effects, mirroring materials, hollow stones). The use of geometrical shapes and colours typical of the Indian decorative tradition, as well as citations of Hindu rituals, bear testimony to the roots of an artist whose contemporary vision of space is yoked to an idea of time very different to the one prevailing in the West. In 1990 Kapoor was awarded the Premio Duemila at the 44th Venice Biennale. In 1991 he won the Turner Prize, the most prestigious art prize in Great Britain. In 1992 he contributed to Documenta IX. In 2002 he produced an installation for the Turbine Hall at the Tate Modern in London.