Among this years special projects the town council of San Gimignano
- in collaboration with the Associazione Arte Continua - held
a competition for young Italian Artists requiring an intervention
in the interior of the Teatro dei Leggieri in San Gimignano. situated
in the main Piazza, this small theatre is a marked presence in
the history of the town. It was built in the 18th century in the
traditional Italian style, but though the foyer was refurbished
quite recently, it does not match the beauty of the theatre itself
because the available space is extremely limited. Therefore the
competition called for projects capable of enlarging the space
from a visual point of view, given that it is not physically possible
to enlarge it. Five artists - Mario Airó, Sergia Avveduti,
Massimo Bartolini, Margherita Morgantin and Italo Zuffi - were
invited to submit projects. A jury consisting of the staff of
the Associazione Arte Continua, the mayor and the curator chose
the project presented by Mario Airó and developed in conjunction
with the photographer Attilio Maranzano, not just for its intrinsic
interest but also because it was practicable. Photographs of small
historic theatres in Tuscany - both detailed and full shots -
have been positioned on the balustrade of the theatre foyer. These
are accompanied by an audio tape with extracts from Puck's monologue
in 'A midsummer night's dream'.