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The 6th Arte all’Arte opens on 14, 15 and 16 September 2001 in six different
locations in the provinces of Siena and Pisa.
The thematic focus of the exhibition event is Art Architecture Landscape. It
is not being held in any of the major cities of Tuscany but in towns which are
nevertheless imbued with natural, historical and artistic connotations. The
project involves a number of contemporary artists who have been invited to submit
a new work specifically conceived of for the site where it will be displayed.
Once again the aim is to relate the characteristic sense of the art of our age
with a context moulded by the traces of a tradition and history that have made
the Tuscan landscape a unique environment. Each artist has been invited to develop
an original project for one of the host cities. One work, one context.
The artists are as follows: Marina Abramovic (born in Belgrade but for many
years resident in Amsterdam) at Volterra; Cai Guo-Qiang (born in southern China,
educated in Japan and based since a few years ago in New York) at Colle Val
D’Elsa; Jannis Kounellis (who was born in Piraeus but has lived in Rome
since the 50s) at Montalcino; Surasi Kusolwong (born in the ancient capital
of Siam and currently resident in Bangkok) at Casole D’Elsa; Pascale Marthine
Tayou (who was born in Cameroon and after a period in Paris is now based in
Brussels) at San Gimignano; and Nari Ward (born and brought up in Jamaica, now
based in New York) at Poggibonsi. A special project has also been entrusted
to Gianni Motti. The Arte all’Arte project also includes a design competition
for the Casa della Musica (House of Music) in Colle Val D’Elsa. A further
special project will be undertaken at Linari involving Daniel Buren, Ottonella
Mocellin and José Antonio Hernàndez-Diez.
It is quite clear, then, that the 6th Arte all’Arte is opening up a spectrum
of artistic experiences and working practices with different bases and cultural
fields which are being called upon as never before to interact on the art scene,
and by virtue of which the very definition of Art has been stretched beyond
the confines of dominant Western Art. This year the encounter between Tuscany
– the legendary cradle of Western Art – and the manifest openness
of the present is particularly extreme. The current situation, then, is so open-ended
and splintered as to deserve not so much a review as a new form of artistic
The Arte all’Arte project is not only aimed at an art-loving public but
also closely concerns and involves the communities living and working in the
areas where the works of the individual artists will be temporarily sited. This
direct contact, established without the mediation of the media, cannot fail
to produce a strong impact, also causing perceptible modifications in the juxtaposition
between work and landscape, which in turn are active primary instruments of
daily life and of the relations between the individual, society and the world.
After the exhibition has opened, a catalogue will be published containing critical
texts by the curators, Jerome Sans and Pier Luigi Tazzi. A section will be devoted
to each artist and will include pictures of previous works, photographs of visits
to the site and of the works in situ.
Besides the catalogue there will also be a guide for visitors to Arte all’Arte,
produced by Nico Orengo with the collaboration of Roberto Rossi and Michele
Taddei. The guide will connect the six towns to the surrounding countryside,
with suggestions for restaurants, wineries, hotels and information about characteristic
flavours and other attractions.
Information: ass. culturale Arte Continua, tel ++39 0577 907157, fax ++39 0577
Press office: Rosi Fontana, tel. ++39 050 9711343, fax ++39 050 9711317, r.fontana@tin.
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